The Image of God in Man: A Proposed Working Definition

I believe the most important conviction that a person can have is his belief about God, and second to that is his supposition about man. These two beliefs influence all other ideas and actions. By beliefs about God and man, I do not mean what one claims to believe, but rather what one actually believes…

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Think About IT: Sex Education of Yesterday

In the past, Government saw no problem in challenging children to follow God’s design for sexual activities. For example, the government’s pamphlet for children entitled “Birds and Bees”, said, “[U]nless God had given all living things this power to reproduce, plants and animals and men would long ago have disappeared from the earth. That is…

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Think About IT: There Is a Better Way! Fossil vs. Green

President Obama’s energy philosophy may eventually move us to green energy, but at what cost? His philosophy is to restrict the development of more fossil fuel so that the shorter supply will make the price escalate, which in turn causes people to be more enthusiastic about green energy. Of course, that may very well happen,…

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Think About IT: Christian Charity vs. Government Coercion

It is not uncommon for people to use the Bible to promote state socialism. They refer to passages like Acts 2:44-45 where it says the believers “had all things in common” or verses that say, “love your neighbor” (Matthew 19:19). Of course the obvious problem is the first passage refers to believers who voluntarily shared…

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