Think About IT: Statistics of Christian Failures—Not So Accurate

Far too often, we hear a statistic and assume, with very little evidence, that it is correct. Particularly, and quite oddly, Christian pastors and leaders seem vulnerable to quickly incorporating such into their proclamations. For example, we are repeatedly told that Christian couples are divorced at the same rate as non-Christian couples. The clear implication…

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One Man’s Suggestions for Calvinists and Non-Calvinists

This article appeared in two parts on April 4th & 5th on SBC Today. Although I no longer don the Calvinist label, I do continue to recognize the system of thought as an option within historic Christianity as well as Southern Baptist life. Further, I have no interest in personally attacking my Calvinist brothers’ and…

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Think About IT: A Voice from the Past Is Right Again

Many modern voices asseverate that the new definitions and models of morals, family, and marriage are the fuel to take America to the next level of freedom, but is that really where we are headed? Carle C. Zimmerman lived 1897-1983. He was an eminent Harvard sociologist. He looked at Greek and Roman civilizations and then…

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Muhammad: From Prophet to Warrior

I have spoken and written on the true character of Muhammad, Islam, and its history. I am deeply concerned that people not be lulled into thinking it is simply another “peaceful” religion. Consequently, I thought this article was important enough to replicate here. This article appeared in Kairos Journal, which is a journal for pastors.…

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