Think About IT: Hell before Help

According to Calvinism, God chose hell for most and help for few. While Scripture is clear that God is righteous and just if He sent everyone to hell, Scripture is equally clear that God does not claim to be merely just, but He is also inestimably kind and longsuffering. “Or do you think lightly of…

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Calvinism’s New Birth Analogy Is Unconvincing!

This article seeks to address the question: does physical birth demonstrate the Calvinist idea that faith precedes spiritual birth? Calvinists argue that the new birth (regeneration) precedes and provisions faith,[1] whereas I am contend that faith precedes and provisions the new birth. Calvinists frequently seek to demonstrate their belief by employing an argument based on…

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Think About IT: Be Not Faithful Tomorrow

The call to be faithful concerns today only. No one can live faithfully in the near or distant future. For example, one cannot walk in faith tomorrow, or even an hour from now, because faithfulness exists only in the moment. One may desire to live out his life in faithfulness to God, and therefore concern…

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Think About IT: The Greatness of Loyalty

The greatness of loyalty is most clear in the storms of disloyalty. Quotidian loyalty is characteristic of many good times, but great loyalty alone survives and shines during the dark tempest of disloyalty. For it is in the gales of disloyalty by those in whom you placed your trust that the genuine loyalty of nobles…

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In Consideration of Calvinism

Since writing Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist: The Disquieting Realities of Calvinism, I have been unexpectedly involved in engaging Calvinists through writing and speaking. I must admit that, at times, I have found my interactions with some Calvinists quite frustrating because of the great difficulty that I have often experienced when trying to discuss a…

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Think About IT: The Future

The future belongs to God, and we are not God. Yet how quick we are to guarantee the future. People frequently speak about the future with certainty, but God rarely discloses our personal future. When we speak about the future with phrases like”I will never” or “This will never” or other such phrases of future…

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Think About IT: Forgiveness Sought Should Never Be Shunned

Sincere requests for forgiveness, which is evidenced in words and actions, is all that is needed to be saved and forgiven by God. Christians should require nothing more to forgive their offenders, for to do so is to dishonor grace. “To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit”…

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Response to “A Better Gospel” Part 2

Following are responses to comments posted by a blogger on the SBCToday blog in response to my comments about his first responses regarding an article entitled A Better Gospel. The two previous articles include my original article, A Better Gospel and the first response to that article. The words “You said” refer to the comments…

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