Luna Doll, the Sweetest Dog of All!

Luna & Lilly picture 2011We have two Chihuahuas pictured here. Luna is on the left, and Lilly is on the right. They have been inseparable friends for eight years. If you visited the Rogers home and were not properly welcomed by Gina or me, Luna and Lilly always made up for our inhospitableness. This is true whether you were a dog, cat, relative, or stranger. For any and all were heartily and lovingly welcomed by prancing, cuddling, and licking (if you permit).

They never missed attending The Round Table (I wish I could say such for all of the members of The Round Table over the years). Luna would most often choose to ensconce herself upon my lap during the engagements. Her presence on my lap made my note taking and keeping up with the engagements quite challenging, but each time I would consider putting her down, she would turn and look at me and upon my lap, she would remain. This position permitted her to closely observe the engagement of the men of The Round Table, and of course, receive regular petting strokes from her human dad.

Fortunately for us, they were not merely pets, but fierce guard dogs who could be dispatched like the minute men of yesteryear when a dangerous predator, such as a squirrel entered into the protected premises. They slept together so that they were as one, and took care of each other by keeping each other company and cleaning each other whether needed or not.

We obtained Luna first (now 8) and then Lilly (now 6). Luna, the consummate loving host welcomed her half-sister from the moment she saw her, as she did everyone who entered our home. Lilly became appropriately known as Lilly Brown, “the silliest (or wiggliest) dog in town,” and Luna quickly earned the title, Luna Doll, “the sweetest dog of all.” That title was never tarnished. One glance at Luna Doll erased the wrinkles of a worried countenance, vanquished the problems of the day, turned a frown into a smile, lifted a heavy heart, and immersed one in love and tenderness. She always was looking for a lap on which to lay, or a place by Gina on the couch, or even a new arrival with whom to snuggle.

We cannot imagine a day without little Luna Doll’s loving presence, but alas, we sadly must.

Luna was born on November 12, 2005, and she died on April 6, 2014. She had been suffering from congestive heart failure since October 2013. After church, Gina ran an errand, and I came home to find our little Luna lying on the floor. I hoped only tired or weak, but that was not to be. She was dead. I picked her up and held her for quite some time. She apparently had only been dead for a short while. When Gina arrived, while crying, we shared turns holding her. I dug her grave on that rainy Sunday afternoon, and we sadly said a heart-wrenching goodbye to the sweetest dog of all.

I do not know if animals go to heaven. While I believe there may very well be animals in heaven as God so chose to place them in the Garden of Eden, and speaks of them in the millennial reign of Christ, the Bible does not give us assurance of animalswe have loved being in heaven. Consequently, our sadness is compounded in that we may never see little Luna Doll again. Although, if there are animals in eternity, I will see her again since she is the archetype of the perfect dog. 🙂

For now, Silly Lilly is less silly and noticeably sad over the loss of her sister and constant companion. She now frequently chooses to lay in a different place than the one she so long shared with her friend. Squirrels go unpursued, and her vociferous scarfing down of her food at meal time has given way to an uncharacteristic pause upon her arrival at the food bowls; noting that one is now strangely empty. She looks quizzically at the empty bowel, then to her side and then at us, sadly troubled about the absence of her lifelong dining friend.

The Rogers home is sad indeed because of the loss of dear Luna, but we rather endure this hour of darkness that her absence cast upon our home than to have missed her presence for eight wonderful years.

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Ronnie W. Rogers