Praying against Bitterness

Oh Lord please, I beseech you, guard my heart, and mind. Guard them from pondering ingratitude, betrayals, arrogant religious talk, and others self-righteousness lest I become what you loathe. For to ponder such can only lead to dying from within as the root of bitterness’s fecundity produces growth that chokes the Word in my life…

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Think About IT: The Greatness of Great Loyalty

Great loyalty stands as a beacon of life and is most clear in the storms of disloyalty. Ordinary loyalty is characteristic of the many and the good times, but Great loyalty alone survives and shines during the dark tempest of disloyalty of the many. For it is in the gales of disloyalty by those in…

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Think About IT: The Bondage of Want

Christians must always remember whom we are to love and what we are to like. The difficulty in giving up the comforts of this life should remind Christians to be modest in our acquisitions of them, lest we find ourselves choosing financial bondage rather than separating from them. Extra comforts and opportunities in this life…

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The Need to Equip the Saints

When Christians experience prolonged infancy and satisfaction with milk beyond normal infancy, they will have an immature and incomplete Christian worldview, which inevitably results in them advocating ideas that are merely human wisdom. George Barna’s research revealed, “Only 9% of all American adults have a biblical worldview. [Those labeled] born again Christians, the study discovered…

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